Saturday, December 21, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real} Snowman edition!

Our decorations have been up for a little while, but... you with two small boys leaves little time for picture updates.  I really am trying to be better! 

Our Tree!!  Before Stephen got at it.  The bottom third of the tree now has large bare patches, punctuated by groups of ornaments that I made him pick up and put back on the tree.  In a nice little addition, I also found the baby's teething ring hanging from a branch.


My little "happy Joe," as Stephen calls him.  Seriously, is there ANYTHING cuter than a happy baby?


Steve and Stephen ventured out to create a snowman.  Stephen got cold and was a little underwhelmed by the whole process. 

But the result was fantastic.  Just look at that handsome smile!  (yes, Steve, I am talking about you! :) )

They used all the snow in the yard, as evidenced by the mud patch in front.  Unfortunately our snowman has gone on to better, colder pastures... but hopefully he'll be back soon enough!


Briefly, I just want to mention how very meaningful this Advent has been with a small baby in the house.  I think that my Advent with Stephen was consumed with trying to figure out life as a new parent.  This time around, both Steve and I are more relaxed and able to appreciate things as they come. Joseph's beautiful presence in our family brings my thoughts right to the stable and manger.  How very vulnerable our Savior was... is... and He continues to teach me through His littleness.   

There's a poem by Frances Chesterton (G.K's wife!)  that we're singing in choir.  I had never heard it before, but I'll copy it below. 

Here is the little door.
Lift up the latch; O lift!
We need not wander more,
but enter with our gift.
A gift of finest Gold,
Gold that was never bought nor sold;
Myrrh to be strewn about his bed;
Incense in clouds about his head;
all for the Child who stirs not in his sleep,
but Holy slumber holds with ass and sheep.

Bend low about his bed: for each he has a gift!
See how his eyes awake--lift up your hands! O lift!
For Gold he gives a keen-edged sword (defend with it thy little Lord)!
For incense, smoke of battle red.
Myrrh for the honoured happy dead.
Gifts for his children, terrible and sweet,
Touched by such tiny hands and oh! such tiny feet.

Have a beautiful rest of Advent, everyone!  

Monday, December 9, 2013

Fa la la la la

Soooo.... that cute little boy in those sonogram pictures is now a smiley, adorable 4 1/2 month old named (as Stephen puts it) "Happy Joe."   Joseph is such a gift to our family with his sweet eyes and crazy hair, and his personality is starting to blossom.  He adores his mommy, loves his brother, and there's the beginnings of hero-worship in his eyes as he looks at his dad.

And now it's Advent!  Time for some Christmas pics, I do think:

Whoops:  I forgot I wanted to add this picture of Jessie and Joseph.  Isn't it the cutest?
Ok, onto our Christmas tree set-up day! Joseph spent most of it in his Exersaucer.   He's a big fan of the carousel toy.

Stephen LOVED the gloves.  I asked him to say "cheese" and this is what he gave me!

 Handsome guy.:)

Another handsome guy!

I think Steve deserves an award for doing most of the tree set-up and lights with a toddler on his back.

 I'll try and get a pic of the finished tree up soon!

Love to all family and friends stopping by the blog!  You are in our hearts this Advent!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Ultrasound Pics

We had our 20-week ultrasound today--praised be to God for a healthy and beautiful baby boy!!  Steve and I feel so very blessed.  We get to raise brothers!  :)

Baby feet!!

The 4-D was not quite as picturesque as Stephen's was.... partially because the baby kept swiping his hands in front of his face.  But here's the best one:

He's a cutie!!!  Can't wait to meet you in July, little one!