Monday, August 6, 2012

Out to the Farm!

This past weekend, Steve and I were blessed with an amazing getaway to the Virginian countryside.  Our dear friends (and Stephen's godparents, Liz and George) met us at their parent's beautiful farm which they've converted to a bed and breakfast.  We were spoiled with good food and great company.

Here's the back of their farmhouse.... we stayed in the upstairs suite connected to the screened in porch. What a beautiful view.... perfect for games of Carcassan.  Little George loved throwing his various toys  through the railings and onto the deck below. 

On Saturday afternoon, we went wine-tasting, and brought the fruits (har, har) of our labor out to a picnic.  The men went off to explore the land while Liz and I watched the babies--who were incredibly excited about being outside.  A quick-moving rain shower brought us scrambling indoors!

We hiked out to the pond on the property, and Stephen got his first shot at the hiking backpack.  It was.... hmm.... mildly successful.  I ended up carrying him back.  Steve was a tad crestfallen. 

Our beautiful godson.... look at this smile!

Godbrother playtime!  Stephen LOVED all the new toys, and I've got my eye out for some of the toys he particularly loved. 

Liz and I decided to give the boys a dual bath. (Otherwise known as blackmail photos for when they are teens.)  Stephen was VERY excited to have someone else in the bath, and set the house ringing with his shrieks.  Little George was highly skeptical of this arrangement.  Toward the end, he stood up, backed away from Stephen, pointed at him, and told him angrily in baby-talk exactly how he felt.  It was priceless. :)

Again, it was a true gift of a weekend, and we'll miss our friends dearly as they venture to Rome for a semester abroad.  We are looking forward to hearing all their adventures as they "Rome about!"  

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